[채용공고] 테러다인
1. 회사명: 테러다인(https://www.teradyne.com/)
2. 근무지: 서울
3. Duties & Responsibilities
This role will drive the Teradyne Semiconductor Test Business focused on MAP(Mobile Application Processor) & MCU(Micro Control Unit) & Testing to PROACTIVELY work as Field Application Engineer. The Filed Application Engineer role is able to make test application solution, support and communication with high complex digital device manufacturer or design company as skilled standard principles, theories, concepts, and techniques background to succeed Teradyne Semiconductor Test Business. Works with general direction. Independently determines and develops approach to solutions. Work is reviewed upon milestone completion for adequacy in meeting objectives. Provides solutions to a wide range of difficult test problems in a wide range of areas. Solutions are imaginative, thorough, and practical.
Basic Qualifications, Experience, Skills & Education Required
(1) Major
: Bachelor or Master Degree of Electronics or Computer Engineering/Science
(2) Key Qualification
: Intermediate or Higher English Skill
: Effective Documentation or Presentation Skill
: Integrated Communication Skill
(3) Required Knowledge
A. ElectronicsL Strong Digital Signal Knowledge(Recommended)
B. Programming Language: Visual Basic or C++ or C# or Python
** 문의사항은 전자공학과 학과사무실로 부탁드립니다**
(전자공학과 041-540-5660)